Brno Tourist Information



Basic info
Arrival & Departure
Transport in Brno
Map of Brno

Brno Accommodation (hotels)

Where to go?

Pubs & Restaurants
Nightlife & Clubs
Internet Cafes
Shops & Markets
What to see and where to go in Brno What to see


Française (French)

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Brno Nightlife and clubs

Brno has fair nightlife especially in Friday. Good days for parting are also Wednesdays and Staturdays.

Two Faces Two Faces

Biskupska 1 street
Two Faces is a dancing club which is very popular. It has two floors, downstairs is dance floor and a pool, upstairs place to sit. Entrance around 50czk.

Caribic Caribic

Behounska 22 street
Caribic is probably the most popular club in Brno situated in city center. When clubbing in Brno, surely try this one. Don't let discourage yourself by impolite security men. Entrance is around 50czk.

Livingstone Livingstone

Dominikanske namesti 4 square
Another big dancing club. If you are not a fan of disco beats, Livingstone offers you more rock music. This place is popular among students. Entrance is around 50czk.

Charlie's Hat Charlie's Hat

Koblizna 12 street
Another city center club. This one is more like a pub but very popular too. There is also a small dance floor. Entrance is mostly free.

Mandarin Club Mandarin Club

Jakubske namesti 6 square
Mandarin club is more like classy club which is favorite place for foreign people. If you don't wanna meet students at every step but older people, than I recommend this one. Entrance is 80czk maximum.

7. nebe 7. nebe

Janska 9 street
7. nebe in English 7th Heaven is smaller but populare music club where are probably the youngest visitors. There is often some small entrance fee too.

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