Brno Tourist Information



Basic info
Arrival & Departure
Transport in Brno
Map of Brno

Brno Accommodation (hotels)

Where to go?

Pubs & Restaurants
Nightlife & Clubs
Internet Cafes
Shops & Markets
What to see and where to go in Brno What to see


Française (French)

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Shops in Brno

Brno is quite a big city. There are many shops and shopping opportunities. Finding some interesting present for you or your friends is easy. Most of the shops are situated at the Ceska street and the Masarykova street. These two streets are tied together by Namesti Svobody square and create shopping corridor. You can find there fashion shops, gift shops, restaurants and more. On the other hand at Josefska street (close to Masarykova street) there you can find few goldsmith's and gift shops.

Ceska street
Ceska street

Shopping malls

In the city center there are few shopping malls. The biggest and the most favorite one is Vankovka. You find it close to the Main Train Station. Just ask people and they will guide you. Another shoping mall is Velky Spalicek located at Mecova 2.

Shopping mall Velky Spalicek
Shopping mall Velky Spalicek

Markets in Brno

Every Christmas there is a large Christmas market with historical crafts and gift shops at Namesti Svobody square. If you are visiting Brno during holidays you will not miss it. Other smaller market is in spring at Moravske namesti square. Brno is very well known for Vegetable market "Zelny trh" which you can find near Masarykova street - open every day.

Christmas Markets in Brno
Christmas Markets in Brno
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