Brno Tourist Information



Basic info
Arrival & Departure
Transport in Brno
Map of Brno

Brno Accommodation (hotels)

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Pubs & Restaurants
Nightlife & Clubs
Internet Cafes
Shops & Markets
What to see and where to go in Brno What to see


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Old Town Hall of Brno

History of Old Town hall (Stara Radnice) dates back to 13th century when Brno became a city. It was damaged during siege of Brno by Sweden in 1645. The city resisted four month and won the battle.

Old Town Hall with deformed phial
Old Town Hall with deformed phial

Old Town Hall is important point view. During the day, it is possible to go there and come up to the tower. There is a magnificent view at Brno city.

There are also very interesting artifacts and legends related to the building of Old Town Hall. Legends about deformed phial, about Wheel and the legend about Dragon.

Legend about Brno Wheel

A wheel craftsman from Lednice city named Georg Birk made a bet with his friends for 14 Tolar that he can chop down a tree, make a wheel from it and get it by rolling to Brno. He did what he said and the wheel you can see it hanging on a wall in the gate-way of Old Town Hall.

Legend about Brno Dragon

There are more versions of this legend. One of them says that a dragon settled down near Brno and threatened citizens. To get rid of the creature some brave men created a trap. They took a sac made of fur and fill it by lime. Than Dragon died after he had eaten it and drunk water. You can see this Dragon, actually a crocodile hanging underneath the ceiling next to the Brno Wheel.

The Brno Dragon
The Brno Dragon

Legend about deformed phial

One version of the legend says that Master Antonin Pilgrim who was building a portal to Old Town Hall didn't get payed for his work so he created one phial deformed. Another version says that he was so drunk he wasn't able to project it right.

How to get there

The building of Old Town Hall is reachable from Masarykova street. It is close to Vegetable market (Zelny trh). If you want to visit it I recommend to visit the observatory too. It pays off.

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