Brno Tourist Information



Basic info
Arrival & Departure
Transport in Brno
Map of Brno

Brno Accommodation (hotels)

Where to go?

Pubs & Restaurants
Nightlife & Clubs
Internet Cafes
Shops & Markets
What to see and where to go in Brno What to see


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Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul

Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul means in Czech Katedrala svateho Petra a Pavla or just Petrov. If you ask any Brno resident where Petrov is he will guide you.

Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul
St. Peter and Paul Cathedral

St. Peter and Paul Cathedral is one of the most important showplace in Czech Republic and view point number one in Brno. Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul is also pictured on Czech ten Koruna coin.

Towers of Petrov are 92 yards (84 metre) high. The interior is in baroque movement. The exterior is Gothic. Two towers were build in 1904-1905 by famous architect – Augustus Kirstein. Above the main entrance there is written a quotation from Matous evangelium. It says something like: "Come here everybody who is toiling, I will refresh you. Your soul will find peace."

History of Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul

The history of Petrov is quite rich. In 11th centure there was built Romanesque chapel. At the end of 13th century it was rebuilt to basilica. After that the basilica was rebuilt into Gothic movement. The church was seriously damaged during 30 Years War.

Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul statue
Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul statues

How to get there

St. Peter and Paul Cathedral is very well visible, it is the main view point of Brno. You can easily reach it from the Main Train Station or from Silingrovo namesti square where is standing new Comsa Hotel.

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