Brno Tourist Information



Basic info
Arrival & Departure
Transport in Brno
Map of Brno

Brno Accommodation (hotels)

Where to go?

Pubs & Restaurants
Nightlife & Clubs
Internet Cafes
Shops & Markets
What to see and where to go in Brno What to see


Française (French)

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Villa Tugendhat

Villa Tugendhat is very rare and magnificent work of famous German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. He built it in 1928 for married Jewish couple Grete and Fritz Tugendhat. In 2001 was the ville added to UNECO list. The villa together with German pavilion in Barcelona are the most significant works of Miese van der Rohe. Villa Tugendhat established a new way in creating modern a rchitecture - functionalism.

Villa Tugendhat
Villa Tugendhat

Architecture of Villa Tugendhat

Interior and exterior are very interesting. Large garden and beautiful view at Brno. There are a special one-piece windows which can be inset into the floor to let fresh air get inside. There is also new advanced air conditioning and heating in floors. Very impressive is onyx wall in living room. Whole living area is unimpeded.

History of Villa Tugendhat

Villa Tugendhat was in World World 2 confiscated by Nazis. After war it was nationalized by communists.

Interior of Villa Tugendhat
Interior of Villa Tugendhat

In 1922 there were talks about separation of Slovakia from Czechoslovakia. In 1994 it was used for commercial purposes. Than it was gave to administration of National Museum of Brno. Now the villa is in desolate stage and waiting for reconstruction.

How to get there

Villa Tugendhat is located at Cernopolni 45 street in the north part of Brno. If you want you can visit the villa if it is not under construction. Just go to official web.

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